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Society for Ecological Restoration 2024 North American Conference

Conference website.

The SER North American 2024 Conference will provide an interactive forum to learn and share about the science and practice of ecological restoration across ecosystems and disciplines to better connect a diverse and engaged restoration community.

Conference Theme – Cross-Biome Connections: Ecological Restoration on a Diverse Continent
The SER North American 2024 Conference will provide an interactive forum to learn and share about the science and practice of ecological restoration across ecosystems and disciplines to better connect a diverse and engaged restoration community. SER 2024 North American Conference is being planned in cooperation with SER-North West, SER- Western Canada and other partners in North America, the home of many histories, heritages, backgrounds and Indigenous communities.

Attendees can expect to:

  • Learn about new theories, approaches and practices in a transdisciplinary environment.
  • Share your experiences with ecological restoration across biomes, ecosystems and communities.
  • Connect with a diverse group to improve ecological restoration and conservation across North America


October 28
November 1

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