Integrated Rangeland Fire Management Strategy
Our mission at the Great Basin Fire Exchange (GBFSE) is to provide access to scientific information that meets the needs of sagebrush ecosystem management. Because of our mission focus, this website serves as the Science Support Center for Secretarial Order 3336.
The May 19, 2015 Department of the Interior report titled, "An Integrated Rangeland Fire Management Strategy" named the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange and the Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GBLCC) as co-leads on Appendix A, Section 7(b) viii - Science & Research, Action Item #4:
"Develop or identify a primary online science delivery system to allow easier access to published science products and other science information."
Search this website to find scientific research about sagebrush ecosystem management.

For specific information regarding the Secretarial Order itself, sage grouse biology, or rangeland issues, please visit the following websites:
Secretarial Order 3336, Rangeland Fire Prevention, Management, and Restoration, Homepage
Sage grouse information for private landowners at the Sage Grouse Initiative.
Overview of western rangeland issues available from Rangelands West
BLM National Sage-grouse website
SAGEMAP - A GIS database for sage-grouse and shrub steppe management in the Intermountain West from USGS