Building ecosystem resilience and adaptive capacity: A systematic review of aspen ecology and management in the SW
Webinar registration.
Speaker: Connor Crouch, Forester, USDA Forest Service, Mark Twain National Forest.
Description: In this webinar from the Forest Stewards Guild and Southwest Fire Science Consortium, attendees will hear about insights from the recent paper. The speaker will highlight the threat to aspen ecosystems posed by climate change, chronic ungulate browse, and outbreaks of the invasive insect oystershell scale. He will make the case for three aspen management objectives to address these threats and increase aspen resilience and adaptive capacity: (1) promote diversity in age structure by enhancing regeneration and recruitment, (2) mitigate impacts of ungulate browse on recruitment, and (3) enhance structural, adaptive, and functional complexity. The webinar will detail how various management strategies could meet these objectives.