Dealing with the triple threat invasion – Cheatgrass, medusahead, and ventenata
This 4-hour webinar focuses on invasive annual grasses such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae), and ventenata (Ventenata dubia), which are devastating western natural areas and rangeland at a landscape scale. These grass invasions favor further invasions while eliminating desirable vegetation and wildlife habitat. Further impacts include:
- A continuous bed of fine fuel associated with an increase in frequency and intensity of rangeland wildfire
- Significant reduction or elimination of desirable perennial species
- Reduced forage quality for wildlife and livestock
- Increased risks for wildlife and pollinator species
- Resulting wildfires that are a threat to humans, wildlife, property and infrastructure
Speakers address all of these points, including current management tools for the “triple threat”, highlighting recent research conducted in multiple western states.