Webinar for applicants interested in submitting CFLRP proposals
Webinar recording from Aug. 1, 2019.
For those interested in submitting a proposal for Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program funding, there are Upcoming Webinars for Interested Applicants.
The proposal process for new CFLRP projects and extensions for existing ten-year projects will involve two tiers of review. This process applies to new projects as well as projects that have received funding for 10 years and are applying for a one-time extension for the shortest time practicable to complete implementation.
Tier 1 (Pre-Proposal): Applicants provide a brief and high-level description of the proposed CFLRP project or project extension. The Regional Office will evaluate Tier 1 proposals using a common set of criteria and the Regional Forester will decide which projects should proceed with full Tier 2 proposal development.
Tier 2 (Full Proposal): Project extension and new project proposals selected in Tier 1 will proceed with detailed proposal development. These proposals will be reviewed for completeness by the Regional Office, and if they meet all of the CFLRP eligibility criteria, they will be submitted to the CFLRP Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Committee for evaluation.