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PJ woodlands in a changing climate webinar series- Recordings available

Webinar recording for Day 1
Webinar recording for Day 2.

Climate change in the Great Basin poses many challenges to land management. This webinar series will discuss recent research and observations of climate and drought-driven changes in pinyon-juniper woodland dynamics. Tune in to better understand what changes may be in store. These one-hour webinars will begin at 11 PST/12 MST.

Day 1: Recent Pinyon-Juniper Responses to Climate Change
Great Basin pinyon-juniper responses to climate change: Woodland expansion, contraction, or transformation? – Peter Weisberg, UNR
PJ woodland management changes after two decades of drought: Perspective from Four Corners – Ian Barrett, BLM
Q&A and discussion

Day 2: Understory Response and Management Implications
Fire impacts in pinyon-juniper woodlands: Recovery, plant invasions, and restoration opportunities – Ali Urza, USFS
Anticipating future climate-driven changes in pinyon-juniper woodlands – Bob Shriver, UNR
Q&A and discussion


December 7, 2021 @ 11:00 am PST
December 8, 2021 @ 12:00 pm PST

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