A west-wide rangeland fuel assessment – Timing is Everything: Season 4, Episode 2 of Reading the Tea Leaves
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In fire, fuels weather and topography mean everything. Fuels weather and topography and the timing of these components of the fire triangle must align properly for large fires to occur. Despite uncharacteristically large and continuous fuelbeds in numerous areas, however, it’s been a slow start to the fire season in the coterminous US.
In this webcast, Research Ecologist Dr. Matt Reeves analyzes rangeland fuel conditions across the West with an emphasis on how fire weather and rangeland fuels have not yet converged in 2023. All 2022 recordings are located on the Reading the Tea Leaves page.
Projections are based on Reeves’ Fuelcasting system – a component of the Rangeland Production Monitoring Service that provides projections of expected fuel conditions this grazing season.