Basic identification of grasses: A 2-day short course
The Basic Identification of Grasses two-day short course covers the unique taxonomy of about 50 different grasses and grass-like plant genera. This class is for beginner through intermediate agrostologists and will include basic terminology, dissection, and use of a dichotomous key for identification. You will also learn how to collect and press grasses for future reference or for the purpose of mailing to others for identification/verification. The class may be taken for 1 unit of optional credit at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR).
When: Class will be March 14-15 OR 16-17, 2022
Where: 300G of Fleischman Agriculture, University of Nevada, Reno
How: Sign up by contacting the instructor, Arnold (Jerry) Tiehm | [email protected] | 775-742-9180. Be sure to include your preferred class date and indicate whether or not you want to receive class credit.
Cost: $ 150 for non-students, $ 80 for students. Bring cash or check (made to Board of Regents) to the first day of class.
Details: Class will be 8 am -5 pm with a one-hour lunch break. Tea and coffee will be provided.