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Can landscape fuel treatments enhance both protection and resource management objective?

Webinar registration.

Land management agencies in the U.S. Departments of Interior and Agriculture can potentially accomplish ecological resource management objectives using unplanned wildfires, but only if such fires do not otherwise threaten to damage valuable resources and assets. Landscape-scale fuel treatments have been proposed as a strategy for mitigating the threat of wildfire to resources and assets. But what is the best way to implement landscape-scale fuel management? Is there a single fuel treatment implementation scheme that can both provide protection to communities, and simultaneously increase the opportunities for using wildfire to accomplish resource management objectives?

This webinar presents results from a simulation study of north-central New Mexico that investigated the relative effectiveness of a variety of fuel treatment strategies and the tradeoffs of implementing fuels programs with competing management goals.



September 14, 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT

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