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Collaborative spatial planning using the Great Basin LCC’s Conservation Planning Atlas

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The GBLCC Conservation Planning Atlas (CPA) is an important aspect of our effort to engage a landscape focus and best available science toward improving collaboration and maximizing conservation efforts in the Great Basin. Incorporating over 1000 spatial data layers related to conservation of the Great Basin region’s many natural and cultural  resources, the CPA provides managers, researchers and planners from state, federal, local, NGO and private partners a valuable suite of tools for collaborative spatial planning. In short, the portal represents a single website to access regional spatial layers, decision support tools, and Great Basin LCC project information and products.

GBLCC’s Geospatial Data Specialist, Eric Jensen will be joined by Conservation Biology Institute’s Kai Henifin to share about the CPA. Together we will dive into navigation of the portal, data, tools and publications available, and the Data Basin suite of collaborative features—such as Groups, sharing and comment threads. Finally, we’ll explore current use cases and share information about how you or your group can leverage the CPA for your own projects and planning.


February 22, 2018
10:00 am - 11:00 am PST

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