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Fire & Climate Change: Adaptation Planning for Tribes Workshop

The workshop will bring together up to 25 Tribal leaders, community members, environmental professionals, knowledge holders, academic partners, federal and state agency representatives, non-governmental organizations, and others.

This course will provide an overview to planning for climate change impacts, with an emphasis on fire, highlighting the work of Tribes that have completed an adaptation plan or vulnerability assessment. Since the course will focus on climate change impacts in California, we especially encourage Tribal environmental staff and community members from this region to apply to attend.

Topics include:

  • Overview of climate change and impacts in the west with an emphasis on fire and cultural burning
  • Process of developing climate change adaptation plans, from getting started, to impact and vulnerability assessments, to developing adaptation strategies
  • Tools, resources, and partnerships for adaptation planning


September 26, 2023
September 28, 2023

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