Geospatial and you – Broadscale assessments – 2015 Presentations of the GB Consortium Conference IV special session
Many inventory and assessment projects spanning large landscapes, the entire Great Basin, or the western US, have been completed recently or are underway for key natural resources. This special session of the 4th Great Basin Consortium Conference brought together leaders of these efforts to compare/contrast their efforts and create a synthesis product or “table of contents” for geospatial data users.
Geospatial presentations in pdf format are provided below:
- Landscape conservation management and analysis portal, Sean Finn USFS, GNLCC
- Rapid ecological assessment of the Northern and Central Basin and Range, Nika Lepak, BLM
- Fire and Invasives Tool, Mike Pellant, BLM
- Land Treatment Digital Library, David Pilliod, USGS
- Conservation Efforts Database, Justin Welty, USGS
- Landscape Toolbox and JournalMap, Bob Unnasch, TNC
- Remote sensing characterization of GB shrub and grasslands for monitoring, Collin Homer
- BLM Riparian Toolbar, Ken McGwire, DRI
- Geospatial weather sources, Stuart Hardegree, ARS
- Development and use of seed zones in native plant restoration, Francis Kilkenny, RMRS
- NorWEST Stream Temperature, Dan Isaak, RMRS
- Forest Inventory and Analysis, Chris Witt, FS
- Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring Strategy, Nika Lepak, BLM
- Sagebrush ecosystem response to changing climate and disturbance: an ecohydrological perspective, John Bradford, USGS
- Small mammal thermal mapping, Erik Beever, USGS