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Integrating natural hazard mitigation plans into local planning

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Local plans, such as the comprehensive plan, economic development plan, and transportation plan, establish policies that are intended to guide a community’s day-to-day land use decisions and capital facilities expenditures. These policies have a major impact on whether people and property are exposed to natural hazards as well as the extent to which they are vulnerable to injury and damage. Therefore, it is imperative that these policies are based on best available hazard data, including the nature of local hazards, the vulnerability of people and property, and the potential destruction that can be caused by these hazards. This hazard data is the foundation on which natural hazard mitigation plans are developed.

Join the FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Planning Team and guest speakers as they look at opportunities for integration, review examples, and identify resources to integrate plans into local plans.


November 17, 2017
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm PST

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