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Managing for water: Lessons learned from watershed protection partnerships for wildfire risk reduction

Webinar recording.

Description:  Among the values at risk from wildfire are community drinking water supplies, as forested watersheds on public land are often a primary or significant source of drinking water. In some places across the West, watershed protection partnerships have formed to address this threat by bringing together the stakeholders of these watersheds for collaborative planning and investment in source water protection. This webinar will explore the concept of watershed protection partnerships and how they span organizational boundaries for collective action to address wildfire and other risks. We will offer lessons learned from how these partnerships have been implemented in Colorado and New Mexico, and direct implications and applications for communities in Oregon.

Presenters: Heidi Huber-Stearns, University of Oregon; Emily Jane Davis, Oregon State University


May 27, 2020
10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT

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