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QUIC-Fire: A fast-running simulation tool for prescribed fire planning

Webinar recording.

Description: Recent advances in wildland fire behavior models (e.g. FIRETEC) utilizing high spatial and temporal resolution fluid dynamics calculations have facilitated complex modeling of fire-atmospheric feedbacks. Unfortunately this fire modeling approach requires exceptional computational resources that are unlikely to be available to most wildland fire managers. QUIC-Fire is a new physics-based cellular automata fire spread tool that that offers advanced fire modeling capabilities without the demand for extraordinary computational resources. QUIC-Fire is a new step towards expanding next generation fire model access to a wider audience of practitioners and users.

Presenters: Rodd Linn, Los Alamos National Lab, Scott Goodrick, USFS Southern Research Station, Kevin Hiers, Tall Timbers Research Station.


May 21, 2020
10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT

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