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SageSTEP Field Tour of Onaqui Sites

The SageSTEP research team invites you to join us for a tour of the Onaqui research site near Tooele, Utah on May 21, 2024.  We will tour the SageSTEP (https://sagestep.org/) shrubland network, SageSTEP woodland network and NEON sites (https://www.neonscience.org/field-sites/onaq), hear results from the past 15 years of data collection, and discuss management needs and research priorities for the next decade.  We are particularly interested in hearing management perspectives on areas of greatest future need.  2024 field tour flyer


Tooele is less than an hour from SLC.  Lodging options include the Holiday Inn and Best Western.  We recommend SUV/Trucks, particularly if there is rain prior to the tour.

Meet at 8am on Tuesday, May 21 at the Holiday Inn in Tooele (Address: 1531 N Main St, Tooele, UT 84074) to carpool/caravan to the Onaqui site.  We plan to return to Tooele by 5pm.  Please bring adequate food/water and be prepared to be outside all day.

There will be a no-host dinner on Monday, May 20 at 6 pm for any who can join.

Please RSVP to Lisa Ellsworth at: lisa.ellsworth@oregonstate.edu

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