Smoke tools and information for prescribed fire and wildfire
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The science of wildland fire smoke modeling and the tools and information available are dramatically different from what they were 10 years ago. Satellite systems, computing power, social media, and investments in basic research and research delivery such as made by the Joint Fire Sciences Program (JFSP) and NASA are some of the components driving this, as well as the need for information and guidance when widespread smoke impacts occur to large populations such as experienced this past Summer across much of the western US. This webinar provides 1) an overview of the various web-based smoke forecasting systems available in both the US and Canada, and a background of the science and information that goes into these systems, 2) directions to a one-stop-shop of particulate matter air quality monitoring data from both permanent monitoring networks, and monitors deployed during wildfires, 3) an overview of satellite information and products tailored to smoke, 4) directions on where to go to do your own smoke modeling, and finally 5) an overview of the Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program and the Air Resource Advisors deployed as part of the program to Incident Management Teams.