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SER Great Basin Chapter – 2023 Annual Meeting (virtual)

Presentation recordings.

Description: This meeting is a time to check in with our friends and colleagues to see what’s new and where progress has been made in ecological restoration and information exchange among practitioners, researchers, and the public in the Great Basin. Please plan to join us for a single day virtual meeting. The meeting will be kicked off by a keynote from Alison Agneray, BLM. The meeting will include a GB SER business discussion and 10 talks by students, faculty, and agency researchers.

Presentations included the following topics.

Building a restoration network
Restoration in the face of climate extremes
Seed coatings to break dormancy, improve seed flow
Threats of human population growth
Invasion resistance
Establishment in sagebrush
Climate-adjusted provenancing
Non-target herbicide effects
Western forbs


April 26, 2023
8:30 am - 3:15 pm PDT

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