Soil moisture end user listening session
Webinar recording.
Do you use (or *wish* you could use) soil moisture data or maps to support your decision making, advising, or other work activities? Do you want to share your opinions on which soil moisture datasets, maps, and tools are needed to better inform drought, flood, or other natural resource issues?
In July, the National Coordinated Soil Moisture Monitoring Network is hosting two listening sessions for soil moisture end users to share their thoughts, wish lists, and out-of-the-box ideas about what types of soil moisture products would best serve them. Target participants include federal, regional, and state program staff; state climatologists; water resource managers; extension agents; and any others who are interested in products derived from soil moisture data, whether it be from in situ mesonets, modeling outputs, and/or satellite retrievals.
Participants can choose either this session (July 13) or an identical session on July 22, both at 1 – 3 p.m. ET. Please register by Wednesday, July 7.