Using resilience and resistance concepts to manage threats to sagebrush ecosystems and sage-grouse
This webinar discusses a strategic approach developed by an interagency, Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies working group for conservation of sagebrush ecosystems, Gunnison sage-grouse, and greater sage-grouse. It uses information on (1) factors that influence sagebrush ecosystem resilience to disturbance and resistance to nonnative invasive plants and (2) distribution and relative abundance of sage-grouse populations to address persistent ecosystem threats, such as nonnative invasive plants and wildfire, and anthropogenic threats, such as oil and gas development and agronomic conversion, and to develop effective management strategies.
Webinar was presented by Jeanne Chambers, US Forest Service – Rocky Mountain Research Station and hosted by the Great Northern, Southern Rockies, and Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperatives