Native seed: Supplying restoration
Webinar recording. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), in collaboration with the Society of Ecological Restoration’s International Network for Seed-based Restoration (SER-INSR), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and Holden Films, produced a series of educational documentaries that explore each step of the native seed supply chain in one of the largest and most sophisticated native seed…
Grassland fire research database
Presenters: Dinyar Minocher and Roy Vera-Velez When we recognize fire as an integral component of grassland and parkland ecosystems, addressing constraints on fire application and halting the decline of prairies' health become crucial. Controlled burns applied strategically by land managers can restore historical fire regimes and promote the growth of native grasses, forbs, and wildflowers…
Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices: A Virtual Class
Application required. The Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices training is designed to increase the skills of the professional mitigation practitioner and individuals who run mitigation programs. Participation in the 9-week virtual course is not guaranteed as we endeavor to provide training to individuals who lead or have responsibility for community wildfire mitigation programs. Acceptance is…
Grassification and fast-evolving fire connectivity and risk in the Sonoran Desert
Webinar recording In the southwestern United States, non-native grass invasions have increased wildfire occurrence in deserts and the likelihood of fire spread to and from other biomes. Wildfires were historically small and infrequent in the warm deserts of western North America, with minimal impact on the desert vegetation. In recent decades, the fire regime has…
Facing Fire: Aesthetics, Environment, and Policy in the West
Facing Fire: Aesthetics, Environment, and Policy in the West The panel discussion was livestreamed and recorded by Utah Public Radio. View the recording here. A cross-disciplinary panel with artists, policy makers, and a fire fighter to explore how we experience, perceive, respond, and research fire in the West. Following the discussion we will have a…
8th Annual SageCon Summit
Summit webpage. The summit will be in Lakeview, OR on Sept. 26-27, 2023. There will be in-person and virtual options.
Fire & Climate Change: Adaptation Planning for Tribes Workshop
The workshop will bring together up to 25 Tribal leaders, community members, environmental professionals, knowledge holders, academic partners, federal and state agency representatives, non-governmental organizations, and others. This course will provide an overview to planning for climate change impacts, with an emphasis on fire, highlighting the work of Tribes that have completed an adaptation plan…
Rising from ashes: A tribe’s nature-based approach to watershed restoration
Workshop webpage. Rising from Ashes: A Tribe’s Nature-based Approach to Watershed Restoration will highlight an innovative and iconic case study in public and private collaboration on sovereign tribal lands following a series of catastrophic wildfires. Given the increasing frequency of these fires, there is a vital need to mitigate destruction through preemptive nature-based restoration practices…
LANDFIRE Office Hours: How IFTDSS is changing the look of fuels planning
Webinar recording. In this LANDFIRE Office Hour, Kim Ernstrom, and Wendy Detwiler, Wildland Fire Management RD&A, Technical Leads IFTDSS (and Josh Hyde: Tech Transfer Specialist, University of Idaho) discuss the basics of using IFTDSS for fuels planning. We also discuss practical examples of how IFTDSS is being used in the field.
Colorado Wildfire Risk Assessment (CO-WRA)- Overview and technical discussion
Webinar recording. This webinar will provide an overview of the major changes in CO-WRA, including modification of Scott and Burgan (2005) standard fire behavior fuel models to better reflect fuel types in Colorado, incorporating LiDAR to produce higher spatial resolution data products, and advanced wildland-urban interface risk analysis. Presenters will explain how these datasets and…