
The Oregon state wildfire hazard map

Webinar recording. To enhance Oregon’s wildfire resilience, the State Legislature passed the 2021 SB 762 Omnibus Wildfire Bill that enacted recommendations from the Governor’s 2019 Wildfire Council. This included a…

Prioritizing landscape treatments

Webinar b. Presenters will share an overall framework, analysis considerations plus a case study from the Southwest Idaho Wildfire Crisis Landscape. Manager questions and experiences to guide this session are…

Integrating public health into forest and fire management

Webinar recording. Integrating Public Health into Forest and Fire Management, presented by Savannah M D’Evelyn, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Washington, on November 17, 2023. This webinar is part of…

Developing community wildfire protection plans

Webinar registration. In this webinar, you will learn: what a CWPP is and why your community may need one, what the process involves and what the components are, what resources…