
Geomorphic recovery and post-fire flooding implications following the 2019 Museum Fire

Webinar recording. The 2019 Museum Fire burned nearly 2,000 acres of steep forested terrain abutting Flagstaff city limits in northern Arizona. In addition to the immediate fire danger, post-fire flooding posed a significant threat to the downstream community and critical infrastructure, prompting a multi-agency cooperation to evaluate post-fire runoff and geomorphic change during the recovery…

Fire and wildlife

Webinar registration. The good, bad, and ugly of fire and wildlife - roasty toasty critters or promoting sustainable habitat for expanding and healthy wildlife populations? Let’s discuss the pros and cons of fire on wildlife. How is the lack of fire at the necessary scale, frequency, intensity/severity, and seasonality one of the greatest threats to…

Fire history and ecology

Webinar recordings of the Forest Service's Research and Development SCIENCEx FIRE week. Fire History and Ecology Introduction to SCIENCEx Fire Week​ | Jens Stevens ​Indigenous Fire Stewardship and Cultural Burning​…