
ANREP 2021 Virtual Conference

Visit ANREP 2020 Conference website. The Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP) conference theme was: Place-Based and Future-Focused: Fulfilling the Land Grant Mission in an Evolving Landscape. It was…

Wildfire smoke and health

Webinar recording. Meteorologist and Public Information Officer Chris Smallcomb, from the National Weather Service – Reno office, will discuss smoke forecasting and models used to predict smoke. Air Quality Specialist…

The timeline of climate, weather and fire

Webinar recording. Climatology Research Professor Tim Brown, also director of the Western Regional Climate Center, will discuss how weather and climate influence fire in Nevada.

After the fire

Webinar recordings. Are you ready for the next wildfire season? Last summer’s wildfire events impacted most Oregonians and we learned that EVERYONE living in Oregon should be prepared for a…

Wildland fire mental health and well-being

Webinar recording. Presenters: Suzanne Connolly. Suzanne specializes in treating trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and is passionate about sharing her effective methods with professionals and leaders around the world.…

Reclaim, Restore, Rewild – Joint conference with Canadian Land Reclamation, Society for Ecological Restoration, and Society of Wetland Scientists

Visit conference website. Reclaim, Restore, Rewild is a joint conference with Canadian Land Reclamation, Society for Ecological Restoration, and Society of Wetland Scientists. It will be June 19-24, 2021 at the Quebec City Convention Center in Canada. The theme of the 2021 June 19-24 conference is “From Reclaiming to Restoring and Rewilding”. It aims to…

Thinking about adaptation: Exploring the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework

Webinar recording. Ecosystems are transforming under climate change, with substantial shifts in ecological processes and important ecosystem services occurring at unprecedented rates. As systems approach socio-economic and ecological thresholds, our current management toolbox has proved to be incomplete for conservation and the sustainable provision of ecosystem services, including fisheries production and the wildlife habitat. Multiple…