Soil moisture end user listening session
Webinar recording. Do you use (or *wish* you could use) soil moisture data or maps to support your decision making, advising, or other work activities? Do you want to share your opinions on which soil moisture datasets, maps, and tools are needed to better inform drought, flood, or other natural resource issues? In July, the…
Fitness and wellness for performance in wildland fire fighting
Webinar recording. Presented by Joe Sol, Exercise Physiologist U.S. Forest Service and Brent Ruby, Professor, Department of Health and Human Performance, University of Montana. Joe and Brent will share their research on sustainment and maintenance throughout the fire season.
Western drought crisis
Webinar recording. Historic drought conditions across the western United States continue to rapidly worsen and expand with over 80% of the West now in drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Widespread impacts are being felt. To provide the latest information on drought conditions across the Southwest, California, Pacific Northwest, and the Missouri River Basin,…
Recent fire regimes of the bi-national Madrean Sky Islands: Implications for collaborative, transboundary fire management
Webinar recording. Overview: This webinar shares results of a recent study of contemporary fire regimes over a 32-year period (1985-2017) in the Madrean Sky Islands of the U.S. and México. During the study period 335 fires burned approximately 28% of the study area, with re-burns occurring on over 25% of the burned areas. The greatest…
Fire-weather drivers of severity and spread: Learning from past fire patterns to inform future wildfire decision making
Webinar recording. Fire is an essential component in restoring and maintaining a healthy forest. However, historic land use and decades of fire suppression has excluded fire from millions of forested hectares across much of the western United States, including the Grand Canyon National Park. Forest restoration at the Grand Canyon aims to reduce wildfire vulnerability…
2021 North American forest and conservation nursery technology webinar series
Webinar recordings. Webinars will be Wednesdays, August 4 through September 8, 2021. Each webinar will last approximately one hour and include a Q&A session. Planned webinar topics are: Lessons learned in nursery operations during the pandemic Water management and its effects on pests, pathogens, and plant growth Hot planting and fall/summer planting: operational tips and…
Home hardening Q&A
Webinar recording. Living With Fire will host a question-and-answer workshop with Steve Quarles, who is both University of California Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus and the retired Chief Scientist for Wildfire and Durability, Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety Research Center. The session will focus on “home hardening,” defined as building or retrofitting homes to…
August drought and climate outlook and wildfire spotlight
Webinar recording. According to the August 10, 2021 U.S. Drought Monitor, 94% of the Pacific Northwest Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) is in drought. Additionally, drought conditions are rapidly intensifying. Almost 25% of the region is in Exceptional Drought (D4), up from 3% just a month ago. Wildfires are raging, sending smoke throughout the rest…
Land use planning as a strategy for fire adapted communities
Webinar recording. Description: As communities across the U.S. face increasing threats from wildfire, there is also a growing interest in land use planning as a strategy to reduce risk and foster more resilient outcomes. Land use planning provides a variety of tools, such as growth management plans, subdivision regulations, or wildland-urban interface (WUI) codes that…
Fire weather/Fire danger conditions which led to the Historic Peshtigo Wildfire of 1871
Webinar recording. Conflagrations like the 1871 Peshtigo have reemerged as important threats across North America and around the world. Understanding the factors and the phenomena that produced the fire environment of that day is possible because of weather observations collected and recorded at the time and studies of extreme fire behavior that continue to this…