Assessing wildfire risk and mitigation opportunities in the sagebrush biome
Webinar recording.
Native Seed Conference 2023
Access some of the recorded presentations. The National Native Seed Conference connects Research, Industry, Land Management, and Restoration professionals, providing the premier opportunity to develop relationships and share information about the collection, research and development, production, and use of native plant materials. The 2023 National Native Seed Conference is dedicated to the science, practice, and…
2023 Wildland Urban Interface Conference
Conference website.
Fire in the western US: Big fires. Big challenges. The call for regional learning and action.
Webinar recording. Learn about the diverse inputs and outcomes from six large fires spanning five JFSP Regional Fire Science Exchanges. This webinar walks you through the jointly produced story map: Fire in the Western U.S.: Big fires. Big challenges. Big need for regional learning and action.
Effectiveness of fuel treatments at the landscape scale
Webinar recording. A recent report, Effectiveness of fuel treatments at the landscape scale: State of understanding and key research gaps, provides key findings from four literature synthesis documents (concepts and fuel treatment effectiveness measurements, empirical, simulation, and case studies) that evaluate the extent to which landscape fuel treatments mitigate adverse effects of wildfire, provide opportunities…
Maximizing volunteer impact with ArcGIS hub
Webinar recording.
Stream and Riparian Geomorphic Sensitivity and Ecological Resilience to Guide Management – Watershed processes, part 1
Webinar recording. This webinar provides a framework for assessing and characterizing the geomorphic sensitivity and ecological resilience of upland watersheds based on their predominant processes and the controls on these processes. The presenters illustrate how understanding the sensitivity, resilience, and process interactions can be used to assess the nature, magnitude, and potential responses of watersheds…
SER Great Basin Chapter – 2023 Annual Meeting (virtual)
Presentation recordings. Description: This meeting is a time to check in with our friends and colleagues to see what’s new and where progress has been made in ecological restoration and information exchange among practitioners, researchers, and the public in the Great Basin. Please plan to join us for a single day virtual meeting. The meeting will…
Stream and Riparian Geomorphic Sensitivity and Ecological Resilience to Guide Management – Meadow hydrology and traits, part 2
Webinar recording. This webinar provides a framework for understanding and characterizing the ecological value and hydrologic support for meadows and for identifying key threats. The presenters illustrate how understanding the present-day status and sensitivity of the meadows can be used to prioritize areas for management and guide management strategies based on the potential for restoration.
Harnessing genomics to examine local adaptation in sage-grouse
Webinar starts at 11 Pacific/12 Mtn. Join link.