Moving to hybrid programs: A discussion with natural resource professionals
Webinar recording. Hear from presenters from around the country who share their personal experiences and lessons learned in moving their natural resource programs to a hybrid platform. They cover various types of hybrid events, including meetings, trainings, workshops and large-scale conferences, and how to ensure accessibility. This event is open to everyone but is targeted…
National Seed Strategy Progress Report 2015-2020
Webinar recording. In the past 5 years of implementing the National Seed Strategy, the scientific knowledge gained has worked to reduce erosion, reduce the spread of non-native invasive plants and promoted productivity and biodiversity of plant and animal communities. Through increased coordination and communication between the private and public sector, the pace and scale of…
Wildfire, Weather, Water, Weeds, Wildlife Symposium
Symposium resources. This Symposium: Examined agency/utility wildfire safety, mitigation measures and resiliency planning for future fire weather Promoted learning about research focused on wildfire effects on water quality (sediment, contaminants) and water supply in our region and how we can improve our practices Discussed how forests, shrublands and rivers are recovering or being impacted by…
Lessons from Evacuation Planning: Part 2
Webinar recording. Part 2 of this webinar series will feature three researchers in a combined presentation, panel and small breakout group interactive format. During registration, you will have the opportunity to choose your top two breakouts. We will pre-assign you to a room ahead of the webinar. These small group breakouts will be an opportunity…
4th Annual National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop
Visit the workshop website for more information. The 4th Annual National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop theme was: Hard truths, fantastic failures and magnificent successes of cross-boundary, landscape level and community-wide implementation and focused on the following themes: Significant wildland fire events that are changing the way future fires are addressed, “Fantastic Failures” where…
2021 Rangeland Fall Forum: From Drought to Resilience
Check forum webpage for recordings or resources. This year’s Forum focused on drought impacts for Idaho rangelands and strategies for moving landscapes and communities towards resilience. A diverse group of panelists and speakers presented on the economic, social, and ecological implications of drought, as well as solutions.
Building and maintaining a solid foundation for collaboration
Webinar recording. Attendees will: Receive updates from the Forest Service on the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP); Learn about an approach for building and maintaining a solid foundation for collaborative efforts using the 4-Ps (Purpose, People, Process, and Products); Hear from speakers about how CFLRP changed their collaborative efforts; and Be able to ask…
Fire refugia: Where and why do conifer forests persist through multiple fire events?
Webinar recording. Description: Changing wildfire regimes are causing rapid shifts in forests worldwide. In particular, forested landscapes that burn repeatedly in relatively quick succession may be at risk of conversion when pre-fire vegetation cannot recover between fires. Fire refugia (areas that burn less frequently or severely than the surrounding landscape) support post-fire ecosystem recovery and…
Prescribed fire in Tahoe and Nevada
Webinar recording. Fuels Management Officer Keegan Schafer with Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District and Forest Fuels and Vegetation Program Manager Duncan Leao with the U.S. Forest Service – Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest will discuss prescribed fire and projects in the Lake Tahoe Basin and Nevada.
Wildfire science and values
Webinar recording. During this peer learning session, speakers will: Build understanding about the spectrum of complementary actions, based on available science, to protect the built environment and community values from wildfire, improve the ecological resilience of our landscapes, and improve the safety and effectiveness of wildfire management; Discuss the concepts of landscape resilience, the wildland…