Fire in the West: Appreciating the inevitable
Webinar recording. Utah State University Research Landscapes will address the latest in wildfire science and management, including: Controlling aspects of the “fire triangle.” Using fire as a tool to limit “disaster fires.” Managing fuel to reduce severity of fires. Focusing less on the number of acres burned and more on human impact of fires. The…
Prescribed fire smoke and community health: Successes from smoke-ready communities
Webinar recording. Join the Western Region of the Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC) and the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network (FAC Net) for a panel-style webinar. See also, this Smoke Resources List developed from the webinar.
Virtual rollout of updated fuels and vegetation data products for CONUS LF 2019L
Webinar recording. A year ago, the Landscape Fire and Resource Planning Management Tools (LANDFIRE) Program released its 2016 Remap for the conterminous United States (CONUS). The update was the most significant in LANDFIRE’s 16-year history, a ground-up rebuild of the base map to reflect 2016 land surface conditions that included a host of improvements to…
PNW Drought Early Warning System- June drought and climate outlook
Webinar recording. The Pacific Northwest Drought Early Warning System (PNW DEWS) Drought & Climate Outlook Webinar is part of a series of regular drought and climate outlook webinars designed to provide stakeholders and other interested parties in the region with timely information on current drought status and impacts, as well as a preview of current…
Fire science and management in an uncertain future: Tools and approaches for managing fire in future climates in the SW
View workshop recording. Read workshop summary. Workshop purpose: Identify fire science and management needs and discuss tools and approaches to natural resource assessments and adaptation strategies for fire dynamics in future climates in Southwest (DOI Regions 8 & 10 ) bioregions. Take-Aways: Provide awareness of tools needed for decision-making in an uncertain future Generate a…
Soil moisture end user listening session
Webinar recording. Do you use (or *wish* you could use) soil moisture data or maps to support your decision making, advising, or other work activities? Do you want to share your opinions on which soil moisture datasets, maps, and tools are needed to better inform drought, flood, or other natural resource issues? In July, the…
Fitness and wellness for performance in wildland fire fighting
Webinar recording. Presented by Joe Sol, Exercise Physiologist U.S. Forest Service and Brent Ruby, Professor, Department of Health and Human Performance, University of Montana. Joe and Brent will share their research on sustainment and maintenance throughout the fire season.
Western drought crisis
Webinar recording. Historic drought conditions across the western United States continue to rapidly worsen and expand with over 80% of the West now in drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Widespread impacts are being felt. To provide the latest information on drought conditions across the Southwest, California, Pacific Northwest, and the Missouri River Basin,…
Recent fire regimes of the bi-national Madrean Sky Islands: Implications for collaborative, transboundary fire management
Webinar recording. Overview: This webinar shares results of a recent study of contemporary fire regimes over a 32-year period (1985-2017) in the Madrean Sky Islands of the U.S. and México. During the study period 335 fires burned approximately 28% of the study area, with re-burns occurring on over 25% of the burned areas. The greatest…
Fire-weather drivers of severity and spread: Learning from past fire patterns to inform future wildfire decision making
Webinar recording. Fire is an essential component in restoring and maintaining a healthy forest. However, historic land use and decades of fire suppression has excluded fire from millions of forested hectares across much of the western United States, including the Grand Canyon National Park. Forest restoration at the Grand Canyon aims to reduce wildfire vulnerability…