
Colorado Wildland Fire Virtual Conference

Visit conference website. This year's conference, Discover Your Role: Reducing Wildland Fire Risk will provide an in-depth exploration of how community members across the spectrum can effectively contribute to better fire outcomes and provide community wildfire resilience leaders with new knowledge and tools for engaging partners and the public.

Creating firebreaks with targeted cattle grazing in the Owyhee Front

Watch video, 11:45 Six ranchers are working with the Bureau of Land Management during the spring months to reduce fuel loads (mostly cheatgrass) on the front side of the Owyhee Mountains in Idaho with tightly controlled cattle grazing. The goal is for the cattle to "mow" cheatgrass and grasslands to a 2-3 inch stubble height…

Emotional intelligence for wildland fire professionals: Why it matters and why you should care

Webinar recording. Description: It is crucial for wildland fire professionals today to be technically competent in their jobs. What is less obvious and less understood is the cognitive competency needed for our professional job performance. Better understand your own thought processes and how we make decisions on emotional feelings, social inputs, and how developing a…

Wildfire risk to communities: New features and data

Webinar recording. Wildfire Risk to Communities is a national tool with interactive maps, charts, and resources to help every community in the U.S. understand, explore, and reduce wildfire risk. In the fall of 2020, the website was updated with new data and features, including new map views and GIS data available for download. During this…

Shared Wildfire Risk Mitigation tool

Webinar recording. Lowell Ballard, Director of Geospatial Solutions with Timmons Group will be presenting the latest developments in the Shared Wildfire Risk Mitigation (SWRM) Dashboard Tool that uses GIS data to provide mapped communities at risk, a consistent approach across 13 states (so far), completed in collaboration with local governments, and consistent scoring based on…

Association for Fire Ecology Virtual Event

These webinars served as a prelude to the Association for Fire Ecology  in-person Fire Across Boundaries conference which is scheduled for Fall 2021. Learn more about the upcoming conference. Integration of fire ecology and the bioeconomy into wildfire management Effects of policy change on wildland fire management strategies

Impacts of COVID-19 on the 2020 fire season

Webinar recording. Presenters: Cathelijne Stoof, Wageningen University, Netherlands Val Chalton, Landworks, South Africa Tomás Withington, Administración de Parques Nacionales de Argentina, Argentina Cristiano Foderi, University of Firenze, Italy Erin Belval, Colorado State University, USA

Assessing the work of wildfires and identifying post-fire management needs

Webinar recording. Description: Landscapes of the Inland West are deeply affected by 100+ years of fire exclusion, the loss of indigenous burning, and expansion and densification of many forests. Today, anthropogenic climate change and wildfires are modifying the structure and composition of forests across the West at rates that far exceed adaptation and restorative treatments.…

Invader impact on soil ecosystems – what every restoration practitioner should know

Webinar recording. Description: Plant invasions cause dramatic shifts in plant communities and ecosystem processes. While these changes are obvious aboveground, less is known about changes belowground. Focusing on the most significant invaders in our area in the Intermountain West of the United States, this seminar will highlight how spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe), leafy spurge (Euphorbia…

Effects of policy change on wildland fire management strategies

Webinar recording. In 2009, new guidance for wildland fire management in the United States expanded the range of strategic options for managers working to reduce the threat of high-severity wildland fire, improve forest health and respond to a changing climate. Markedly, the new guidance provided greater flexibility to manage wildland fires to meet multiple resource…