Assessment of early implementation of the USFS Shared Stewardship Strategy
Webinar recording. In 2018, in response to calls from Congress to accelerate cross-boundary fire hazard reduction and improve forest resilience, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) published the Shared Stewardship Strategy (USFS 2018). The document emphasizes partnership with the states, Tribes, and collaborative partners in order to identify priority areas for management, coordinate work across jurisdictions,…
Idaho Forest Restoration Partnership Virtual Conference
Visit workshop webpage. Idaho's collaborative groups are committed to promoting forest restoration on federal lands. National elections and new Administrations may modify policy impacting public lands management. What is the potential impact on collaborative groups engaged in forest restoration? This regional event brings together leaders from the timber industry, local government, conservation organizations, community groups, and…
Fuel breaks: How do we move forward in an era of uncertainty?
Webinar recording. This is the last of six webinars in our Fuel Breaks in Sagebrush Country: A Multidisciplinary Webinar Series and Discussion. To learn about other webinars in the series, see the webinar series webpage. This webinar features: How do we move forward in an era of uncertainty: Facilitated panel Q & A - Jeremy…
Emerging research in the sagebrush steppe-GB SER Virtual Conference
Join link. Draft agenda. The Great Basin Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration is hosting a virtual conference with a diverse range of speakers--early career scientists studying a range of restoration-related topics. If you are interested in learning about hot topics on the horizon for restoration in our region, this is the meeting for…
Restorative burning: Outcomes from the 2019 Caples fire
Webinar recording. Description: The Caples Fire, which began on September 30, 2019, burned 3,435 total acres (1,080-acre prescribed fire and 2,355-acres wildfire) within the Caples Creek Watershed Restoration Project planning area. This webinar will discuss the outcomes of the 2019 Caples Fire, fire effects on legacy trees, fire management take-home messages, volunteer efforts for restoration…
Using Soil Moisture Information to Better Understand and Predict Wildfire Danger
Symposium recordings. Description: This free online symposium for researchers and fire managers will highlight the latest advances in using soil moisture information to better understand and predict wildfire danger. These recent discoveries are revealing the potential for soil moisture estimates from in situ monitoring stations, remote sensing, and models to improve fire danger predictions and…
Evaluating rural PNW towns for wildfire evacuation vulnerability
Webinar recording. Description: Wildfire is an annual threat for many rural communities in the Pacific Northwest. In some severe events, evacuation is one potential course of action to gain safety from an advancing wildfire. Since most evacuations occur in a personal vehicle along the surrounding road network, the quality of this network is a critical…
Wildfire evacuation preparedness
Webinar recording This webinar is presented with the University’s Osher Life Learning Institute, a member-driven organization offering short-term educational experiences for older adults in northern Nevada. Deputy Emergency Manager Jason Danen, with the Carson City Fire Department, will speak about emergency notification systems such as Code Red and other forms of communication to the public…
Nevada Wildfire Awareness Campaign: Webinar Series
Campaign webpage. Firewise landscaping, May 10, 11:30–1 PDT, Webinar recording This webinar is presented with the University’s Wendy Hanson Mazet, Certified Arborist, and Extension Plant Diagnostician. She has expertise in horticulture, arboriculture, noxious weeds, and vegetable and low water use gardening. Wildfire evacuation preparedness, May 13, 11:30–1 PDT, Webinar recording This webinar is presented with…
Perspectives of a wildland fire investigator
Webinar recording. Fire Mitigation and Education Specialist/Fire Trespass Coordinator Bradley Milam, with the Bureau of Land Management, will share wildfire investigation experiences. Forest Fire Prevention Officer Jennifer Diamond, with the U.S. Forest Service – Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, will share some fire prevention tips.