
What does it mean to be a good ally? Actions towards allyship

Webinar recording. Presenter: Ellen Bledsoe, PhD (she/her), Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Description: Ellen will introduce some general terminology about inclusivity, privilege, allies, and allyship; explore the importance of coupling…

August drought and climate outlook and wildfire spotlight

Webinar recording. According to the August 10, 2021 U.S. Drought Monitor, 94% of the Pacific Northwest Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) is in drought. Additionally, drought conditions are rapidly intensifying.…

Reseeding and flood after wildfire

Webinar recording. Forester Anna Higgins with the Nevada Division of Forestry, Ecologist Mark Freese with the Nevada Department of Wildlife, and Project Manager Danae Olson with the U.S. Army Corps…

Mitigation Best Practices Training

Training website. This national level training from Coalitions & Collaboratives, Inc. and the USDA Forest Service is designed for current or future mitigation specialists, wildfire program leads, and others who…

The buildup and the blowup

Webinar recording. Conflagrations like the 1871 Peshtigo have reemerged as important threats across North America and around the world. Understanding the factors and the phenomena that produced the fire environment…