
Invasive Annual Grass Workshop

Workshop information. Invasive annual grasses threaten millions of acres of sagebrush rangelands across the west. This two day workshop hosted by the Harney County Wildfire Collaborative and Oregon SageCon Partnership will explore the barriers and opportunities for addressing invasive annual grasses in Oregon and beyond the state. In this workshop some of the most pressing…

Engaging communities in fire adaptation in the sagebrush steppe

Webinar recording. A diverse group of panelists have been brought together to highlight a variety of engagement strategies in diverse communities. Caty Johnson from Nuestra Casa, Jerry McAdams from the Boise Fire Department, Jon Riley from Chelan County Fire District 1, and Kirsten Cook from Okanogan Conservation District will share their approaches, successes, and strategies…

Cross-boundary science-based tools to implement shared stewardship

Webinar recording. Description: Articulate successful applications of Good Neighbor Authority for tribes, counties, and states; Provide examples of when tools like Good Neighbor Authority are unlikely to be successful; Discuss how to use tools from the Tribal Forest Protection Act; Discuss how to use tools from the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act; and Discuss…

Monitoring rare plants with drones

Webinar recording. Description: The desert city of St. George, Utah is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the country. Three federally listed endangered plant species that grow directly in the path of this juggernaut development are at extreme risk of further decline and possible extinction. With the help of drones, deep learning technology…

Invasive species, native seeds, and grasses

Webinar recording. Disturbance events, such as overgrazing and the catastrophic fires, in our shrub steppe landscape can kick-start a negative feedback loop with invasion of noxious weeds. These invasive species can have a direct effect on services and ecological benefits provided by the shrug steppe landscape. Learn what we can do to minimize the spread…

Wildland stories: Dendochronology with Dr. Justin DeRose

Webinar recording. Dendrochronology: The trees that surround us have a story to tell, yet so many of us have no idea what that story is. What is dendrochronology? How old is the oldest recorded tree? Can trees get scars? Where are some of the oldest forests located? These are just some of the questions we…

When wildfire hits: One community’s journey to recovery

Webinar recording. Last summer’s wildfire events impacted many Oregonians. These events reminded us of how important it is to plan and be prepared for wildfire. Planning and preparing for wildfire can feel like a massive endeavor. What can we do? Who can help? How do we continue to build wildfire adapted and prepared communities? Every…

Co-managing wildfire risk across boundaries (CoMFRT)

Webinar recording. Wildfire risk is shared across landscapes, ownerships, and administrative boundaries. Consequently, successful efforts to mitigate this risk depend on coordination of individual and collective actions across sets of public and private institutions and individuals associated with managing components of fire-prone landscapes. We need to understand how these diverse sets of actors, including individual…

Seeds of Success: Fort Belknap Indian community BLM-SER restoration program

View webinar recording. The Fort Belknap Indian Community (FBIC) Native Seed & Grassland Restoration Program was designed to meet DOI, BLM, and Plant Conservation and Restoration Program Strategic Goals, via partnerships with FBIC and the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER). Launched in 2019, and led by an Indigenous PI, this Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)-based program…