
Restorative burning: Outcomes from the 2019 Caples fire

Webinar recording. Description: The Caples Fire, which began on September 30, 2019, burned 3,435 total acres (1,080-acre prescribed fire and 2,355-acres wildfire) within the Caples Creek Watershed Restoration Project planning…

Wildfire evacuation preparedness

Webinar recording This webinar is presented with the University’s Osher Life Learning Institute, a member-driven organization offering short-term educational experiences for older adults in northern Nevada. Deputy Emergency Manager Jason…

Nevada Wildfire Awareness Campaign: Webinar Series

Campaign webpage. Firewise landscaping, May 10, 11:30–1 PDT, Webinar recording This webinar is presented with the University’s Wendy Hanson Mazet, Certified Arborist, and Extension Plant Diagnostician. She has expertise in…

Perspectives of a wildland fire investigator

Webinar recording. Fire Mitigation and Education Specialist/Fire Trespass Coordinator Bradley Milam, with the Bureau of Land Management, will share wildfire investigation experiences. Forest Fire Prevention Officer Jennifer Diamond, with the…

ANREP 2021 Virtual Conference

Visit ANREP 2020 Conference website. The Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP) conference theme was: Place-Based and Future-Focused: Fulfilling the Land Grant Mission in an Evolving Landscape. It was…

Wildfire smoke and health

Webinar recording. Meteorologist and Public Information Officer Chris Smallcomb, from the National Weather Service – Reno office, will discuss smoke forecasting and models used to predict smoke. Air Quality Specialist…