
Big sagebrush restoration status

Symposium agenda The Big Sagebrush symposium will be held in conjunction with the Society for Range Management Virtual Meeting. It is brought to you by the Rangeland Equipment and Technology Council (RTEC).…

Wildfire risk management science team

View workshop recordings. During this virtual workshop we will share case studies and lessons learned from the field, showcase multiple scales of potential operational delineations (PODs) work that have been…

Cheatgrass impacts and management options in the western US

Webinar recording. The following topics and presenters are included: Cheatgrass Impacts and Management Options in Western U.S. Ecosystems, presented by Ali Urza and Brice Hanberry Impacts of Invasive Cogongrass on…

Fire severity: Mapping past fires and predicting the future

Webinar recording. Area burned by wildland fire has been increasing since the mid-1980s across much of the US. But the effects of fire on vegetation and soil – what we call burn severity or fire severity – is maybe the more important measure, ecologically speaking. Stand-replacing, or high-severity fire, for example, is more likely than…

Ecological drought: Drought, wildfire, and recovery

Webinar recording. Drought can exacerbate wildfire frequency, intensity, and severity. This webinar explores wildfire management approaches based on ecological principles, including those that embed traditional ecological knowledge. Presenters: Dr. Jeremy Littell, Research Ecologist, Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center, USGS Bill Tripp, Deputy Director of Eco-Cultural Revitalization, Department of Natural Resources, Karuk Tribe