
Potential Operational Delineations (PODs) in Strategic Wildfire Risk Planning

Webinar recording. Wildfire is one of the most contentious subjects affecting land managers, land owners, and the public. As a contagious process, the social, political, and ecological ramifications of wildfire response and eventual fire outcomes are not limited to where and when a fire occurs, leaving instead a legacy of effects that can shape the…

New findings on policy barriers and opportunities: Strategies for increasing prescribed fire application on federal lands from case studies in the US West

Webinar recording. Prescribed fire is an important management tool on federal lands that is not being applied at the necessary or desired levels. Since 2017, we have been investigating policy barriers and opportunities for increasing prescribed fire application on US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management lands in the Western United States. In the…

Air quality 101: Essential concepts and tools for prescribed burners

Webinar recording. This webinar will provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts and tools for understanding the who, what, why and how for managing prescribed fire smoke in the Southeast. Speakers from regional air quality regulation programs will discuss topics including: smoke production, smoke prediction, regional regulations, health impacts and more. Following the presentation there…

An introduction to the new US National Fire Danger Rating System

Webinar recording. In this webinar, Matt Jolly (Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station) presents the structure and function of the current version of the US National Fire Danger Rating, NFDRS2016. He shows how this system can be used to assess seasonal variations in fuel moisture and fire potential and how it can…

Oregon Forest Health: State of the State 2020 Conference

Visit conference website. The Forest Health in Oregon: State of the State 2020 conference was February 26-27 at the LaSells Stewart Center on the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR. Geared to foresters, forest managers, woodland owners, students, and others with an interest in forest health, the conference provided a blend of current…

Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands and Management Webinar Series- Recordings Available

Our PJ Woodland Management Webinar Series represents a joint effort of the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange, SageSTEP, Intermountain West Joint Venture, Sage Grouse Initiative, and the Society for Ecological Restoration, Great Basin Chapter. April 15, 11am-12pm PT/12pm-1pm MT Ecology, history, ecohydrology, and management of pinyon-juniper woodlands in the Great Basin presented by Rick Miller,…

Diversity is magic: Emerging issues in selecting appropriate native plant materials for ecosystem restoration

Access webinar recording. Selecting species and seed from appropriate sources to maximize project success faces many challenges. This presentation will review plant selection for ecosystem diversity that supports economically and ecologically practical outcomes. Habitat degradation and loss have accelerated globally, resulting in loss of biological diversity and species endangerment at unprecedented scales. Restoring habitats that…

Ecology, history, ecohydrology, and management of PJ woodlands in the Great Basin

Webinar recording. Rick Miller, Professor Emeritus, OSU, discusses the intent and goals of his latest publication, The Ecology, History, Ecohydrology, and Management of Pinyon and Juniper Woodlands in the Great Basin and Northern Colorado Plateau in the Western United States. This includes 1) Describing the the woodlands and the vast variation across the GB and…

The west-wide fuelcasting system

Webinar recording. Description: Fuelcasting is a new program that provides projections of expected fuel conditions this grazing season. It is an important component of the Rangeland Production Monitoring System. he 30-minute webinar provides an overview of the system, demonstrates how to download and use the data, and discusses the 2020 fuel outlook with a focus…

Woodland and tallgrass prairie restoration case studies

Webinar recording. Two speakers present restoration ecology research published in the January 2020 issue of the Natural Areas Journal: Leighton Reid shares understory plant community outcomes based on twelve years of monitoring in a woodland mosaic in Missouri as it underwent restoration via prescribed, dormant-season burning and mechanical thinning of red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) and…