Expect the unexpected: Fire management challenges and opportunities in a changing climate
View webinar recording. With increasing fire season duration and complexities in the fire management environment come opportunities to scale up the application of prescribed fire. In this webinar, we will explore the challenges climate change poses for fire managers, as well as the opportunities present in more numerous and longer prescribed burn windows with the…
Building loss to wildfires in the WUI in the US
View webinar recording. Wildfires are a natural element of many ecosystems and have a great impact on society by destroying property and sometimes by taking lives. In the United States alone, thousands of individual fires occur every year and the number of both burned hectares and destroyed buildings are higher than ever since recorded fire…
Prescribed fire is an emergency
View webinar recording This interactive webinar will explore how systems level trends impact the way we manage fire in unexpected ways. Hear why cutting trees in overstocked forests does far less than you might think to increase a community’s resilience to catastrophic fire; how the public framing of the “wildfire crisis” creates narratives that negatively…
Smoke exposure health effects and mitigations for wildland fire personnel
View webinar recording. Wildland firefighters are exposed to wood smoke, which contains hazardous air pollutants, during wildland fire management assignments across the U.S. each year. In this webinar, Kathleen Navarro, PhD, presented on a recent Joint Fire Science Program study estimating the lifetime risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease from exposure to particulate matter…
Engaging fires before they start: Spatial fire planning for the 21st century
View webinar recording. New fire management paradigms are emerging that recognize fire is inevitable, and in many cases desirable. During this webinar you will be introduced to a new process for spatial fire planning using tools such as Potential Control Line atlases (PCLs), Quantitative wildfire Risk Assessments (QRAs), and Suppression Difficulty Index (SDI). Chris Dunn,…
Use of the Target Plant Concept to promote successful post-fire restoration
View webinar recording. Restoration of severely burned forest lands is limited in the southwestern US primarily due to a lack of research and resources. For those areas that have been reforested, there has been little success with an average of only 20% survival of planted seedlings. Major limitations to the establishment of tree seedlings are…
Conservation Efforts Database: Batch uploading and approving
View webinar recording. In this webinar, the Conservation Efforts Database Team guides you through the process to populate the Batch Upload Template with information from existing databases/datasets. We'll also discuss 'Approving Officials', their role, and how to select one for your agency or organization.
Conservation Efforts Database: Single-Record Entry and the Interactive Map
View webinar recording. Join the webinar that walks through processes to register for a Conservation Efforts Database User Profile and how we enter information using the 'single-record' entry option. Lastly, we'll touch on the role of 'approving officials', how to select them within your agency or organization, and the associated responsibilities.
Growing up: Findings from a JFSP student project on post-fire conifer regeneration trajectories in eastern OR
View webinar recording. This presentation will focus on findings from JFSP-supported graduate research on post-fire conifer establishment following recent wildfires in eastern Oregon's Blue Mountains. Given shifting climate and wildfire regimes, managers and researchers seek information on forest resilience and recovery trajectories. Understanding establishment and growth rates post-fire is pertinent both to fuels management planning,…
New reforestation practices for post-wildfire landscapes: Building early resilience
View webinar recording. The increasing frequency and severity of fire and drought events have negatively impacted the capacity and success of reforestation efforts in many dry, western forests. Challenges to reforestation include the size, cost, and safety concerns of replanting large areas with standing dead trees, and high seedling and sapling mortality rates due to…