
Targeted grazing for fuel breaks

Webinar recording. This is the fourth of six webinars in our Fuel Breaks in Sagebrush Country: A Multidisciplinary Webinar Series and Discussion. To learn about other webinars in the series,…

Fuel breaks in practice

Webinar recording. This is the fifth of six webinars in our Fuel Breaks in Sagebrush Country: A Multidisciplinary Webinar Series and Discussion. To learn about other webinars in the series,…

Assessment of early implementation of the USFS Shared Stewardship Strategy

Webinar recording. In 2018, in response to calls from Congress to accelerate cross-boundary fire hazard reduction and improve forest resilience, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) published the Shared Stewardship Strategy (USFS 2018). The document emphasizes partnership with the states, Tribes, and collaborative partners in order to identify priority areas for management, coordinate work across jurisdictions,…

Idaho Forest Restoration Partnership Virtual Conference

Visit workshop webpage. Idaho's collaborative groups are committed to promoting forest restoration on federal lands. National elections and new Administrations may modify policy impacting public lands management. What is the potential impact on collaborative groups engaged in forest restoration? This regional event brings together leaders from the timber industry, local government, conservation organizations, community groups, and…

Fuel breaks: How do we move forward in an era of uncertainty?

Webinar recording. This is the last of six webinars in our Fuel Breaks in Sagebrush Country: A Multidisciplinary Webinar Series and Discussion. To learn about other webinars in the series, see the webinar series webpage. This webinar features: How do we move forward in an era of uncertainty: Facilitated panel Q & A - Jeremy…

Emerging research in the sagebrush steppe-GB SER Virtual Conference

Join link. Draft agenda. The Great Basin Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration is hosting a virtual conference with a diverse range of speakers--early career scientists studying a range of restoration-related topics. If you are interested in learning about hot topics on the horizon for restoration in our region, this is the meeting for…

Wildfire Prevention Summit 2021

Summit recordings. This is the first in a series of Wildfire Prevention Summits. This premiere event will examine the four primary causes (Arson, Accidental, Roadside & Utility Infrastructure) of wildfire ignitions with a focus on Roadside and Utility Infrastructure ignitions in the Western United States. The intent of the Summit is to provide a venue…