
Diversity is magic: Emerging issues in selecting appropriate native plant materials for ecosystem restoration

Access webinar recording. Selecting species and seed from appropriate sources to maximize project success faces many challenges. This presentation will review plant selection for ecosystem diversity that supports economically and ecologically practical outcomes. Habitat degradation and loss have accelerated globally, resulting in loss of biological diversity and species endangerment at unprecedented scales. Restoring habitats that…

Ecology, history, ecohydrology, and management of PJ woodlands in the Great Basin

Webinar recording. Rick Miller, Professor Emeritus, OSU, discusses the intent and goals of his latest publication, The Ecology, History, Ecohydrology, and Management of Pinyon and Juniper Woodlands in the Great Basin and Northern Colorado Plateau in the Western United States. This includes 1) Describing the the woodlands and the vast variation across the GB and…

The west-wide fuelcasting system

Webinar recording. Description: Fuelcasting is a new program that provides projections of expected fuel conditions this grazing season. It is an important component of the Rangeland Production Monitoring System. he 30-minute webinar provides an overview of the system, demonstrates how to download and use the data, and discusses the 2020 fuel outlook with a focus…

Woodland and tallgrass prairie restoration case studies

Webinar recording. Two speakers present restoration ecology research published in the January 2020 issue of the Natural Areas Journal: Leighton Reid shares understory plant community outcomes based on twelve years of monitoring in a woodland mosaic in Missouri as it underwent restoration via prescribed, dormant-season burning and mechanical thinning of red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) and…

Listening to the flow: Discoveries from wildland fire acoustics

Webinar recording. Sound is a fundamental part of our experience when interacting with the world around us. So fundamental in fact, that we often forget to question what it is we are hearing. Our long relationship with all aspects of fire, including the sounds of fire, are deeply intuitive and yet elusive. What is creating…

Assessing the Nation’s Native Seed Supply

Webinar recording. The first goal of the National Seed Strategy (developed by the Plant Conservation Alliance and through an MOU of 12 federal agencies) is to assess the national public and private demand for native plants, and the existing and potential capacity to supply them. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine study is…

Southwest fire season review for 2019 and outlook for 2020

Webinar recording. The purpose of this webinar is to review 2019 fires and look ahead toward conditions for 2020. Dr. Zander Evans presented an overview of the largest fires in the Southwest during 2019. He will share summaries of forest types and burn severities for each of the fires. In addition, Rich Naden, Fire Weather…

A framework for climate-smart restoration

Access webinar recording. Description: Ecological restoration efforts are being implemented in the context of a rapidly changing climate, which poses a new set of challenges and uncertainty. Climate-smart restoration is the process of enhancing ecological function of degraded, damaged, or destroyed areas in a manner that makes them resilient to the consequences of climate change.…

A public engagement protocol: Social science support of planning efforts

USFS webinar recording. Description: Forest planning and management efforts, including both forest plan revision and comprehensive river management planning, require extensive public engagement. Social science approaches that are practically applied by practitioners within the public engagement process are limited. Armatas and colleagues have developed a "social vulnerability" protocol focused on peoples’ human-nature relationships that can…

Wildfire preparedness and prevention

Webinar recording. Description: Oregon State University’s Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Fire Program and its partners present a webinar series on Wildfire Preparedness and Prevention in Oregon. The first of three webinars focuses on wildfire awareness. What is the wildfire problem? What are the current conditions? How could the COVID-19 pandemic affect wildfire response? How…