Using narrative stories to understand Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Great Basin
View webinar recording. This pilot project used a method of naïve interviewing with tribal youths to gather narrative “micro stories” from elders and key tribal members and then answering a series of carefully constructed questions that allow participants to apply context and meaning to their stories. These questions were then analyzed quantitatively using correlational statistics…
Informing recovery through mitigation planning
View webinar recording. A key goal of both hazard mitigation and recovery is increasing resilience. Although these two activities differ in many respects, this shared objective of increased resilience allows mitigation and recovery planning to reinforce one another and leverage greater benefits within the development of plans, and programs or projects. Because both mitigation and…
Climate, megafires, and conservation financing
Access webinar recording. Join Climate Science for a discussion on how climatic changes can influence wildland fire activity across the globe and how these critical fire weather variables have changed over the last 40 years. These changes in key weather variables have combined to both lengthen the fire season and increase the fire weather severity…
Climate change assessment of vegetation, fire, and ecosystem services for tribal lands in the PNW
View recorded webinar. Researchers from the USFS PNW Research Station and Case Research synthesized model projections of changes in vegetation and fire across tribal lands in the PNW. They will demonstrate how these changes will impact economically and culturally important ecosystem services and how this information can be used for adaptation planning.
Lessons in creating and maintaining prescribed burn associations
View webinar recording. A Southern Fire Exchange webinar with John Weir of Oklahoma State University and the Oklahoma Prescribed Burn Association. Are you involved in creating, developing, guiding, or supporting a prescribed burn association (PBA)? Are you interested learning how prescribed burn associations work or how they’re successfully sustained? Led by national PBA expert John…
Examining the role of human dimensions thinking in landscape conservation planning
View webinar recording. One of the greatest challenges facing landscape conservation is how to ensure ecosystem-wide conservation goals, such as those articulated in Landscape Conservation Designs, can effectively inform local management plans and actions. Developing feasible conservation goals and useful landscape planning products requires participation by local stakeholders. However, opportunities for these stakeholders to engage…
Fire management of American Indian basket weaving plants in the Pacific Northwest
View webinar recording. Bear grass (Xerophyllum tenax) and California Hazelnut (Corylus cornuta var. californica) are two Nontimber Forest Products (NTFPs) harvested by American Indians for basket weaving in the Pacific Northwest. Good quality leaves and stems for basket weaving are reliant on the periodic burning of these plant species. In this webinar we will discuss…
Society for Range Management (SRM) – 2018 Annual Meeting
Nugget Hotel and Casino Sparks, United StatesAccess recorded symposia: Restoring & managing "Emerald Isles" Strategic, multi-scale approach for managing threats to sagebrush ecosystems based on resilience and resistance concepts The Society for Range Management’s 71st Annual Meeting, Technical Training and Trade Show was at the Nugget Hotel in Sparks, Nevada. The theme for the 2018 conference was Empowerment through Applied Science.
Firefighter perspectives on gender and leadership in wildland fire
View webinar recording. This webinar was recorded on January 10, 2018 and featured Rachel Reimer, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC, Canada. This project utilized a feminist appreciative approach to Action Research to facilitate a conversation about gender and leadership within the British Columbia Wildfire Service (BCWS). The research question was, “How might understanding gender and leadership…
World of Wildland Fire – A collection of educational videos
Access videos. The World of Wildland Fire vision is to provide and connect fire science educators, trainers, and the public with scientifically solid and peer-reviewed teaching tools and techniques, using state-of-the-art materials, which will be free and accessible to all. This is done to significantly enhance the learning experience.