Making it work: How Michigan National Forests modified LANDFIRE data for local use
View webinar recording. This webinar gives a brief introduction to multiple LANDFIRE datasets and then explore how two National Forests are working to tweak LANDFIRE data to better meet their needs. We will conclude by sharing resources and ideas that may help you think through modifying LANDFIRE or other similar datasets for your use.
BehavePlus – Updates and changes
View webinar recording. Webinar presented by Faith Ann Heinsch, S&K Global Solutions, RMRS Missoula Fire Lab The webinar described major changes from version 5 to version 6, showed sample Runs demonstrating these changes, provided suggestions for calculating surface fire behavior using BehavePlus v6, described how changes in BehavePlus affect NWCG courses that use this program (e.g.,…
Ecologically based invasive plant management: Lessons from the area-wide demonstration project
View recording. Read webinar brief. This webinar discusses the process as well as take home messages from area-wide demonstration projects on cheatgrass reduction. Roger Sheley, USDA ARS, presented. This webinar was the last in our 2018 Webinar Series: Moving the Needle on Cheatgrass: Putting What We Know into Practice.
Adapting wildfire management to 21st century conditions
Access webinar recording. This Critical Issues webinar explores recent trends in wildfires and changes in contributing factors / drivers of these hazards and features case studies of wildfire policy and management strategies in the western and southern United States.
Cheatgrass, medusahead, and ventenata: Symposium and field trip
View Part 1 (2:12) and Part II (2:08) recordings of this symposium. This special half-day webinar symposium provides an in-depth review of three invasive grasses (cheatgrass, medusahead, ventenata) in the Western US.
Targeted grazing applied to alter fuels and reduce fire behavior metrics in shrub-grasslands
View webinar recording. This webinar discusses how targeted grazing can reduce fuels to prevent wildfire in shrub-grasslands. Chris Schachtschneider, Eva Strand, and Scott Jensen, University of Idaho, present.
Empowering private landowner conservation
View webinar recording. This webinar highlighted the importance of private land in species conservation efforts, innovative ways to address conservation finance, and the incentives that work for private landowners. Moderator: Chris West, Director, Rocky Mountain Regional Office of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Panelists: Amos Eno, Executive Director/President, Resources First Foundation; Jeff Morgheim, Founder and…
Multi-species management and desert landscapes
View webinar recording. This webinar illuminated the challenges and opportunities posed by landscape-level species management in the desert southwest. Moderator: Matt McKinney, Director of the Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Policy at the University of Montana. Panelists: Alexa Sandoval, Director, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish; John Swett, Program Manager, Lower Colorado River…
Critical habitat and invasive species
View webinar recording. This webinar examined how critical habitat designations are influenced by invasive species. Moderator: Chuck Bonham, Director of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Panelists: Dr. David Sweet, Yellowstone Lake Special Project Manager, Wyoming Trout Unlimited; Matt Morrison, Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Northwest Economic Region; Chris Crookshanks, Native Aquatics Staff Specialist, Nevada…
Species conservation funding
View webinar recording. This webinar examined current methods of funding species conservation efforts, as well as challenges and opportunities to leveraging additional funding for conservation of at-risk and endangered species. Moderator: Timothy Male, Executive Director at the Environmental Policy Innovation Center. Panelists: Christy Plumer, Chief Conservation Officer, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership; Virgil Moore, Director, Idaho…