
Cheatgrass impacts and management options in the western US

Webinar recording. The following topics and presenters are included: Cheatgrass Impacts and Management Options in Western U.S. Ecosystems, presented by Ali Urza and Brice Hanberry Impacts of Invasive Cogongrass on…

Ecological drought: Drought, wildfire, and recovery

Webinar recording. Drought can exacerbate wildfire frequency, intensity, and severity. This webinar explores wildfire management approaches based on ecological principles, including those that embed traditional ecological knowledge. Presenters: Dr. Jeremy…

Native American fire management at an ancient WUI

Webinar recording. As residential development continues into flammable landscapes, wildfires increasingly threaten homes, lives, and livelihoods in the wildland–urban interface (WUI). Although this problem seems distinctly modern, Native American communities…

Pollinator-friendly plants for restoration

Webinar recording. Pollinators are essential to the survival and health of natural ecosystems but are declining worldwide. Because of this, there is urgent need to restore pollinators and the services…

Leading towards a more inclusive Wildland Fire Community

Webinar recording. As our societies grow and change, the wildland fire community has to continue to evolve in its workforce and practices to better meet the expectations place upon it. Although the thought of and having diversity, equity, and inclusion conversations can be challenging, they represent opportunities for each of us to engage and lead…

Advanced burn boss workshop and fire science symposium

The Advanced Burn Boss Workshop and Fire Science Symposium (click "Log in as Guest" in the event portal) is a combined virtual event that will provide targeted training for burn bosses: RT300, IFTDSS, and smoke modeling, as well as interactive presentations for a wide audience that bridge research and practice using the three pillars of the Cohesive…

What are fuel breaks, why are we doing them?

Webinar recording and Q & A. This is the first of six webinars in our Fuel Breaks in Sagebrush Country: A Multidisciplinary Webinar Series and Discussion. To learn about other webinars in the series, see the webinar series webpage. This webinar features the following topics and speakers: Purpose of fuel breaks - Jeff Rose, BLM…