
Species conservation funding

View webinar recording. This webinar examined current methods of funding species conservation efforts, as well as challenges and opportunities to leveraging additional funding for conservation of at-risk and endangered species. Moderator: Timothy Male, Executive Director at the Environmental Policy Innovation Center. Panelists: Christy Plumer, Chief Conservation Officer, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership; Virgil Moore, Director, Idaho…

8th Annual Sage-Grouse Initiative Workshop – Lessons and photos

Access resources. More than 135 conservation partners recently met in Boise, Idaho during the Sage Grouse Initiative’s 8th annual workshop. This year’s workshop focused on wildfire, weeds and rangeland restoration. Over the course of two days we heard from ranchers, firefighters, researchers, local non-profits and public land managers about the amazing results that come from…

Rangeland Analysis Platform: A tool to help manage, monitor western rangelands

Access webinar recording. The Rangeland Analysis Platform (RAP) is a free, online tool that helps landowners and natural resource managers track vegetation through time and plan actions to improve America's grazing lands. The RAP can be used to provide strategies to improve productivity of grazing lands, manage weeds, mitigate impacts of wildfire and drought, and…

Full community costs of wildfire

View webinar recording. This webinar was originally presented August 29, 2018 11am AZ/12pm MDT by Kimiko Barrett of Headwaters Economics. As wildfires increase in size and severity, the costs to protect homes and lives similarly rise. Yet protecting communities represents a relatively small portion of the total costs of a wildfire—other short- and long-term impacts…

Modeling and mapping the potential for high-severity fire in the West

View recording. The ecological effects of wildland fire – also termed the fire severity – are often highly heterogeneous in space and time. This heterogeneity is a result of spatial variability in factors such as fuel, topography, and climate (e.g. a map of mean annual temperature). However, temporally variable factors such as daily weather and…

Gambel oak management symposium

Part 1 recordings. Part 2 recordings. Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii) is a widespread species found throughout the US Southwest and southern Rocky Mountains. While the species has been widely studied in Arizona and New Mexico, comparatively little is known about Gambel oak at the northern extent of its range (Colorado, Utah, southern Wyoming). Research in…

Evaluation of burn mosaics on subsequent wildfire behavior, severity and fire management strategies

Access recording. The Reburn Project was motivated by a need to better understand wildfires as a type of fuel reduction treatment and to assess the impacts of fire suppression on forested landscapes. The original JFSP task statement (Influence of past wildfires on wildfire behavior, effects, and management) was created to inform the National Cohesive Wildland…

Prescribed fire policy barriers: Findings from a JFSP project

Access webinar recording. USU Forestry Extension and the Southern Rockies Science Network present this special webinar: Prescribed fire is an essential management tool for restoring and maintaining fire-dependent ecosystems; however, land managers are unable to apply prescribed fire at the necessary levels. Past surveys have identified a range of policies and regulations that managers say…