
Southwest LANDFIRE update

Webinar recording. This webinar focuses on LANDFIRE Remap products in LF’s Southwest GeoArea: Nevada, Utah, and Arizona, and sections of New Mexico, Colorado, and California. Presenters Jim Smith and Kori…

Answering questions about the appropriateness of woody vegetation treatments

Webinar recording and additional Q and A. Federal and state agencies across Utah and the Great Basin have been actively treating pinyon and juniper woodlands to improve wildlife habitat, reduce fuel loads, and achieve watershed objectives. Increasingly these activities have been questioned by stakeholder groups and citizens who are concerned about the unintended consequences of…

LANDFIRE Remap products in California

Webinar recording. This webinar focuses on LANDFIRE Remap products in the Southwest U.S., with specific emphasis on California applications. Presenters Jim Smith and Kori Blankenship will review improvements to LF’s newest product offering and look at what remains the same as previous versions. LF Remap products are being released through 2019-2020, as determined by LF…

Disaster spending and mitigation: A state-by-state story

Webinar recording. This webinar will provide an overview of The Pew Charitable Trust’s recent work on natural disaster spending. Remarks will focus on how all levels of government—and states in particular—can manage rising disaster costs by improving how they track spending and by investing in mitigation. Research by Pew has found that disaster assistance is…

Assessment of community wildfire protection plans in AZ and the western US

Webinar recording. One mechanism with which communities-at-risk from wildfire have addressed planning and adaptation to wildfire are Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs), which were created as part of the Healthy Forest Restoration Act in 2003. CWPPs are required to include measures to reduce hazardous fuels, reduce structural ignitability, and increase collaboration and outreach. Communities across…