
Collaborative forest landscape restoration program monitoring: A peer learning session

Webinar recording Description: During this session, USDA Forest Service and collaborative members will explore lessons learned in the first 10 years of CFLRP monitoring - what worked well and what challenges we continue to encounter in the multi-party monitoring of ecological, social, and economic effects. Given those lessons, we will then discuss where we go…

Assessing FIRESHEDS for prioritization, planning, and investment

Webinar recording. Description: The first webinar in a series of virtual learning opportunities that address the cultural shifts and adaptations that are being embraced at all levels to evolve and advance progress toward the vision and goals of the Cohesive Wildland Fire Strategy. Presenter: Alan Ager, Research Forester, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station

Colorado Wildland Fire Virtual Conference

Visit conference website. This year's conference, Discover Your Role: Reducing Wildland Fire Risk will provide an in-depth exploration of how community members across the spectrum can effectively contribute to better…

Restoring the West 2020- Virtual Conference

Conference recordings. For the safety of our community during this pandemic, Restoring the West has chosen to take this years conference online. Restoring the West is teaming up with the…