
Conservation Efforts Database: Batch uploading and approving

View webinar recording. In this webinar, the Conservation Efforts Database Team guides you through the process to populate the Batch Upload Template with information from existing databases/datasets. We'll also discuss 'Approving Officials', their role, and how to select one for your agency or organization.

Conservation Efforts Database: Single-Record Entry and the Interactive Map

View webinar recording. Join the webinar that walks through processes to register for a Conservation Efforts Database User Profile and how we enter information using the 'single-record' entry option. Lastly, we'll touch on the role of 'approving officials', how to select them within your agency or organization, and the associated responsibilities.

Growing up: Findings from a JFSP student project on post-fire conifer regeneration trajectories in eastern OR

View webinar recording. This presentation will focus on findings from JFSP-supported graduate research on post-fire conifer establishment following recent wildfires in eastern Oregon's Blue Mountains. Given shifting climate and wildfire regimes, managers and researchers seek information on forest resilience and recovery trajectories. Understanding establishment and growth rates post-fire is pertinent both to fuels management planning,…

New reforestation practices for post-wildfire landscapes: Building early resilience

View webinar recording. The increasing frequency and severity of fire and drought events have negatively impacted the capacity and success of reforestation efforts in many dry, western forests. Challenges to reforestation include the size, cost, and safety concerns of replanting large areas with standing dead trees, and high seedling and sapling mortality rates due to…

What’s new in LANDFIRE: Remap

View webinar recording. This webinar seeks to inform participants about what to expect from LANDFIRE Remap products, and what has and has not changed from previous product offerings. We will discuss what we have learned since February 2019 when the products were made available to users in the Northwest, and how LANDFIRE resources can address…

Climatic controls on post-fire regeneration and growth in ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir

View webinar recording. In this webinar, Dr. Kimberley Davis examined the effects of climate on post-fire conifer regeneration and subsequent seedling and tree growth. She and her colleagues focused on lower elevation ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir forests to identify the climate conditions that are necessary for these species to regenerate and grow following fire. Their…

Wildland firefighter fatalities in the context of prescribed fire

View webinar recording. Is the risk of death the same when implementing "planned events"? What do the numbers we have as well as some specific events have say about that? Travis Dotson will provide prescribed fire practitioners a few specific elements to consider related to this topic and lessons available from both planned and unplanned…

Bringing non-profits, communities, and federal agencies together for restoration and monitoring

View webinar recording. Join this webinar and robust discussion about innovative collaborations and case studies developed through a partnership between Trout Unlimited and the Forest Service. We will share examples of successful projects, tools such as partnership agreements, and how this model of volunteer monitoring can be expanded across other resource areas and throughout the…