Increasing integration of pollinator-friendly forbs in wildland restoration
In this webinar, Byron Love, Ph.D. candidate at Utah State University and technician with the USDA ARS Pollinating Insects Research Unit, discusses increasing the integration of pollinator-friendly forbs in wildland restoration. Webinar recording
The NRCS's role in developing native plant material for federal land
In this webinar, Derek Tilley, Agronomist and Manager, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Aberdeen Plant Materials Center, ID, discusses the NRCS's role in developing native plant material for federal land. Webinar recording
The science of sagebrush ecosystem restoration
In this presentation by Dr. Kas Dumroese, Research Plant Physiologist at the Rocky Mountain Research Station, an overview of the role of native plant production and deployment and their applications in a changing climate are discussed within the context of meeting USDA/DOI sage-grouse conservation goals. Webinar recording
Using field studies to find the most promising seed sources for restoration
In this webinar, Beth Leger, Associate Professor of Plant Ecology, University of Nevada, Reno, discusses using field studies to find the most promising seed sources for restoration. Webinar recording
Weather variability and forecasting tools for short and long term restoration planning
In this webinar, Stuart Hardegree, Plant Physiologist, USDA ARS Northwest Watershed Research Center, Boise, ID, discusses weather variability and forecasting tools for short- and long-term restoration planning in the Great Basin. Webinar recording
Climate, weather, and sagebrush seed sources: Experimental insights on challenges and opportunities
In this webinar, Matt Germino, Research Ecologist, USGS Snake River Field Station, discusses experimental insights on challenges and opportunities regarding climate, weather, and sagebrush seed sources. Webinar recording
Seed zones and climate change
This webinar with Francis Kilkenny, Research Biologist with the USFS-RMRS, discusses seed zones as they relate to and become increasingly important with climate change. Webinar recording
Basics of quality assurance and quality control principles and application in the database for inventory, monitoring, and assessment
Webinar recording This webinar covers basic quality assurance and quality control for Bureau of Land Management Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) projects using the Database for Inventory Monitoring and Assessment (DIMA).
Greater sage-grouse conservation announcement – 2015 Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewel
In this video, Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell, announces that because of an unprecedented effort by dozens of partners across 11 western states, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has determined that the greater sage-grouse does not require protection under the Endangered Species Act.
Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP) six-year update
This webinar presents findings from SageSTEP scientists, who have collected 6 years of post-treatment data from 20 sites throughout the Great Basin, and now have a fairly certain understanding of short-term vegetation response to fire and mechanical treatments on about half of those sites. While post-treatment recovery to a more desirable condition is evident at some…