
Seed zones: Development and use, procurement and deployment, and provisional zones for native plants

Webinar brief. This webinar discusses the development and use of seed zones, use of seed zones in the procurement and deployment of native plant materials, and provisional seed zones for native plants. Presenters were: Brad St. Clair, Research Geneticist, USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station, Vicky Erikson, Geneticist, USFS Pacific Northwest Region, and Andy Bower, Geneticist, USFS Olympic…

Wildland seed collection and extraction

Webinar brief. In this webinar, Kayla Herriman and Sarah Garvin, USFS Region 6 Bend Seed Extractory, OR, discuss wildland seed collection and extraction in the Great Basin. Webinar recording

Geospatial and you – Broadscale assessments – 2015 Presentations of the GB Consortium Conference IV special session

Boise State University Boise, United States

Many inventory and assessment projects spanning large landscapes, the entire Great Basin, or the western US, have been completed recently or are underway for key natural resources. This special session of the 4th Great Basin Consortium Conference brought together leaders of these efforts to compare/contrast their efforts and create a synthesis product or “table of contents” for geospatial data users.…

Managing pinyon-juniper expansion in sagebrush ecosystems: Next steppe for the bi-state – 2015 presentations and posters

Minden, NV Minden, United States

Presentations and posters. Pdf format of speaker presentations and posters are available for this forum, which was held to advance the next step of conservation for bi-state sage-grouse populations by prioritization and implementation of large-scale projects through recently committed funding and collaboration between federal and state agencies, NGOs, and private land owners.