
Conservation for greater sage-grouse: Approaches for prioritizing management

Webinar brief. In this webinar, Steve Knick, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, shares his research on conservation issues related to sage grouse and other species of concern and approaches for prioritizing management to address conservation issues. Webinar recording

Vegetation resilience, the role of the perennial herbaceous understory and intact sagebrush – 2011 workshop presentations

Winnemucca, NV Winnemucca, United States

The Great Basin Fire Science Exchange and Nevada Partners for Conservation and Development co-hosted this workshop that addressed maintenance of intact sagebrush communities in the face of multiple ecological stressors. Workshop presentations available in pdf format: Needs assessment synthesis and workshop intro - Génie MontBlanc, University of Nevada, Reno Vegetation resilience and the importance of the herbaceous…

Orchard Experimental Restoration Site – Field workshop resources

Workshop Resources:Orchard experimental site summary Display nursery plantings of NRCS Aberdeen Plant Materials Center Rush skeletonweed in the northern Great Basin USDA plant guides The Great Basin Fire Science Exchange and the BLM’s Great Basin Restoration Initiative conducted a field workshop at the Orchard Experimental Restoration Site, between Boise and Mountain Home, ID. Discussed was: experimental site background, experimental…

Climate change, climate variability, and ecosystem response in the Great Basin

Webinar brief. In this webinar, Faith Ann Heinsch, Research Ecologist, RMRS Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory, presents a synthesis of research on climate change in the western U.S., with new research results specific to the eastern Great Basin and options for managers to consider. Topics include: Current ecosystem responses to increased temperatures and drought in the western…