Drill comparisons for seeding in the Great Basin
In this webinar, Jeff Ott reports on experiments carried out by the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, testing the effectiveness of different rangeland drill techniques for seeding common native species of Wyoming sagebrush communities in the northern Great Basin. Webinar recording
Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP): Summary of short-term results
Webinar brief. This webinar, presented by Jim McIver, Research Ecologist at Oregon State University, is a compilation of some of the more important short-term results of SageSTEP experiments through the third year after treatment. The results come from evaluations made at 18 study sites, measuring ecosystem response to prescribed fire, clearcutting, tree shredding, mowing, and herbicides. Webinar…
Ecological Site Description Workshop 2014 – Presentations from SRM annual meeting
Orlando, FL Orlando, United StatesWorkshop recordings. Workshop series presented in Orlando, Florida at the SRM Annual Technical Conference were streamed live and recorded for archived use. 2/10/14 - Workshop 1: ESD Uses and Users, provides examples of ESD uses in diverse ecosystems throughout the United States. This workshop is a showcase of the increasing development and use of ESDs…
Effects of imazapic over four years post-treatment
Webinar brief. In this webinar, Gene Schupp, Professor of Plant Population Ecology and Restoration Ecology at Utah State University, presented preliminary research findings on plant responses to imazapic and other treatments four years after treatments. Webinar recording
Working with Rangeland Fire Protection Associations
Webinar brief. In this webinar, Gordon Foster, Rangeland Fire Protection Coordinator with the Oregon Department of Forestry, discusses working with Rangeland Fire Protection Associations; what they do, how they work, and public agency and association cooperation. Webinar recording
Great Basin Fire Science Delivery – About us
View video This is a one minute introductory video about the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange. Please note that this video was made under our former name, Great Basin Fire Science Delivery, but all contact information remains the same.
Southern Rockies and Great Basin Fire Science Networks: Supporting regional fire science
In this webinar, Gloria Edwards, Southern Rockies Fire Science Network Program Coordinator, and Génie MontBlanc, Great Basin Fire Science Delivery Project Coordinator, discuss their regional efforts to enhance fire science information sharing. Webinar recording
The southwestern range – Audio story from PRX
Access audio story This audio story discusses the southwestern range: the number of stakeholders who own land, each with a very different understanding of what it should be used for: private owners—who could be ranchers or developers, as well as average residents-- Native American tribes, state agencies that own land, federal agencies that manage public…
Fire rehabilitation effectiveness: A chronosequence approach
In this webinar, Dave Pyke, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, discusses results of a study looking at 20 years of post-fire rehabilitation seeding in the Great Basin. See also the article on this topic. Webinar recording
Keeping all the pieces: Management considerations for greater sage-grouse and their habitats in Utah and eastern Nevada in an age of climate change
Webinar recording This webinar describes tools for using geospatial technologies to focus management in those areas that will most contribute to the conservation of sagebrush communities important to sage-grouse given anticipated landscape changes. Presented by Chris Balzotti, Stan Kitchen, and Clint McCarthy, and hosted by the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station.