
Native bees and large mammals (talk 1) and Prairie restoration to support diverse pollinating insects (talk 2)

View recording. Talk 1: Mary Rowland, Research Wildlife Biologist, U.S. Forest Service; and Sandy DeBano, Associate Professor - Invertebrate Ecology, Oregon State University: Native Bees and Large Mammals: Vertebrate - Invertebrate Interactions in Riparian Natural Areas Talk 2: Thomas Kaye, Executive Director and Senior Ecologist at the Institute for Applied Ecology: Partnering with Pollinators: Prairie…

Fuel treatment effectiveness in the southern Blue Mountains of Oregon

View webinar recording. While fuel treatments in the dry conifer forests of the inland western U.S. are effective at reducing wildfire spread and severity at the stand-level, how effective are they at changing wildfire activity at the landscape scale? And will current management practices be sufficient as forests and climate change over the next century?…

IFTDSS webinars recordings

Access recordings. Developing Treatment Alternatives Treatment comparison is one of the more complex parts of the IFTDSS app. There's no doubt that comparing landscapes is tricky business. If you find yourself scratching your head or staring at the screen a lot, join us to help take some of the mystery out of landscape comparisons! Recorded 13…

Herbicides for cheatgrass: What works?

View recording. Read webinar brief. This webinar covers existing products that are effective and how they are applied in different situations. It will also introduce new emerging herbicides. Richard D.…